Supports for Community Groups

If you're a community or voluntary group working in the area of social inclusion or disadvantage, operating in the Bray and North Wicklow area, we can offer you the following:


Information to support your work

  • e-bulletins and e-newsletters with information to help you in your work – eg: upcoming free training and events, funding opportunities and new initiatives - sign up from our Home page.
  • The Wicklow Community Directory with information on community services and supports in Co. Wicklow.
  • Disability Bray website, with disability-related information, listings, news and events.
  • DISC Accessibility Toolkit: a guide for community groups and clubs on simple steps you can take to make your service and activities more inclusive and accessible.


Training and workshops

Free workshops and training to support groups in their work - for example: Good Governance; Making Effective Funding Applications; Motivational Interviewing. 

Training group

See Events and follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to keep up-to-date with all our upcoming events.


Helping groups work together

We resource local groups to network and take effective joint action – for example our Disability Network and Bray Homeless Forum.  The support of Partnership staff time, resources and funding is critical to the success of these groups and the actions they bring forward in local communities.


Tús Community Work Placement scheme

Our Tús Community Work Placement scheme provides work opportunities for unemployed people in community and voluntary groups - contact them if you can provide a work placement in your organisation.